
Year level



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In Levels 7 and 8, the curriculum focus is on explaining phenomena involving science and its applications.

Learning Path

Chapter 1: Cells

Cells are the basic units of living things and have specialised structures and functions. Learn about how cells operate, what they are made of and how to see them.

Learn about microscopes. The different types, how to use them and what you can see with them. 

Distinguishing between plant, animal and fungal cells. Identifying structures within cells and describing their function.

Not all cells are created equal. Learn about the differences between cells, cell division and some of the specialised cells in animals & plants.

Chapter 2: Organ systems

Multicellular organisms contain systems of organs that carry out specialised functions that enable them to survive and reproduce

Examining the specialised cells and tissues involved in structure and function of particular organs

Describing the structure of each organ in a system and relating its function to the overall function of the system. Identifying the organs and overall function of a system of a multicellular organism in supporting life processes

Comparing reproductive systems of organisms

Comparing similar systems in different organisms, for example, digestive systems in herbivores and carnivores, respiratory systems in fish and mammals

Chapter 3: classification

There are differences within and between groups of organisms; classification helps organise this diversity

Grouping a variety of organisms on the basis of similarities and differences in particular features

Classifying using hierarchical systems, for example, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

Using scientific conventions for naming species

Using provided keys to identify organisms surveyed in a local habitat

Investigating classification systems used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and how they differ with respect to approach and purpose from those used by contemporary scienc

Chapter 4: food webs and chains

Interactions between organisms can be described in terms of food chains and food webs and can be affected by human activity

Constructing and interpreting food chains and food webs to show relationships between organisms in an environment

Recognising the role of microorganisms within food chains and food webs

Researching examples of human impacts on specific ecosystems, for example, the use of fire by traditional Aboriginal people, the effects of palm oil harvesting, deforestation, agricultural practices or the introduction of new species

Investigating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ responses to the disruptive interactions of invasive species and their effect on important food webs that many communities are a part of, and depend on, for produce and medicine 

Chapter 5: Pure and mixed substances

Mixtures, including solutions, contain a combination of pure substances that can be separated using a range of techniques

Recognising the differences between pure substances and mixtures and identifying examples of each.

Identifying the solvent and solute in solutions.

Investigating and using a range of physical separation techniques such as filtration, decantation, evaporation, crystallisation, chromatography and distillation. Exploring and comparing separation methods used in the home.

Investigating separation techniques used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, such as hand picking, sieving, winnowing, yandying, filtering, cold-pressing and steam distilling

Chapter 6: States of matter

The properties of the different states of matter can be explained in terms of the motion and arrangement of particles

Modelling the arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and gases.

Using the particle model to distinguish between the properties of liquid water, ice and steam.

Chapter 7: Elements, mixtures and compounds

Differences between elements, compounds and mixtures can be described by using a particle model.

Modelling the arrangement of particles in elements and compounds

Recognising that elements and simple compounds can be represented by symbols and formulas

Explaining why elements and compounds can be represented by chemical formulas while mixtures cannot

Chapter 8: Old to new

Chemical change involves substances reacting to form new substances

Identifying the differences between chemical and physical changes

Identifying evidence that a chemical change has taken place

Investigating simple reactions, for example, combining elements to make a compound

Chapter 9: Seasons, eclipses and the earth

Predictable phenomena on Earth, including seasons and eclipses, are caused by the relative positions of the Sun, Earth and the Moon

Comparing times for the rotation of Earth, Sun and Moon, and comparing the times for the orbits of Earth and the Moon

Modelling the relative movements of the Earth, Sun and Moon and how natural phenomena such as solar and lunar eclipses and phases of the Moon occur

Explaining why different regions of Earth experience different seasonal conditions

Researching knowledges held by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples regarding the phases of the moon and the connection between the lunar cycle and ocean tides 

Researching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ oral traditions and cultural recordings of solar and lunar eclipses and investigating similarities and differences with contemporary understandings of such phenomena

Investigating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ calendars and how they are used to predict seasonal changes 

Chapter 10: Renewable or not?

Some of Earth’s resources are renewable, but others are non-renewable

Considering what is meant by the term ‘renewable’ in relation to the Earth’s resources

Considering timescales for regeneration of resources

Comparing renewable and non-renewable energy sources, including how they are used in a range of situations. 

How we use resources

How can we manage our resources

Exploring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ connections with, and valuing of, water and water resource management

Chapter 11: Water through the environment

Some of Earth’s resources are renewable, but others are non-renewable

Explain the states of water

Considering the water cycle in terms of changes of state of water

Investigating factors that influence the water cycle in nature

Exploring how human management of water impacts on the water cycle

Exploring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ connections with, and valuing of, water and water resource management

Chapter 12: Science rocks

Sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks contain minerals and are formed by processes that occur within Earth over a variety of timescales

Recognising that rocks are a collection of different minerals

Considering the role of forces and energy in the formation of different types of rocks and minerals

Identifying a range of common rock types using keys based on observable physical and chemical properties

Chapter 13: Motion of the ocean (Forces & Gravity)

Change to an object’s motion is caused by unbalanced forces acting on the object; Earth’s gravity pulls objects towards the centre of Earth

Investigating the effects of applying different forces to familiar objects. 

Investigating common situations where forces are balanced and unbalanced, for example, stationary and falling objects

– Contact & non-contact forces.
– Measuring forces.
– Magnetic & electrostatic forces.
– Friction.

Investigating a simple machine such as a lever or a pulley system

Exploring how gravity affects objects on the surface of Earth

Investigating the effect of forces through the application of simple machines, such as the bow and arrows used by Torres Strait Islander Peoples or the spear throwers used by Aboriginal Peoples

Chapter 14: Energy!

Energy appears in different forms including movement (kinetic energy), heat, light, chemical energy and potential energy; devices can change energy from one form to another

Recognising that kinetic energy is the energy possessed by moving bodies

Recognising that potential energy is stored energy, for example, gravitational, chemical and elastic energy

Using flow diagrams to illustrate changes between different forms of energy

Investigating the energy transformations in devices, for example, a catapult or a water wheel

Chapter 15: Blinded by the light!

Light can form images using the reflective feature of curved mirrors and the refractive feature of lenses, and can disperse to produce a spectrum which is part of a larger spectrum of radiation

Exploring how images can change when the arrangement of the mirror or lens system is altered

Exploring the mechanism of the human eye and corrective technologies

Observing the spread and order of colours in the visible spectrum

Describing the different types of radiation in the larger spectrum of radiation

Chapter 16: listen to the waves

The properties of sound can be explained by a wave model

Describing how sounds are produced by different musical instruments

Measuring the speed of sound

Using a wave model to describe the measured properties of sound, wavelength and frequency

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